Finding the best opiate addiction treatment can be tough. While there are plenty of choices out there, narrowing down the selection might feel overwhelming. If you’re looking for the best opiate addiction treatment centers in Texas, look for a Texas addiction rehab center with all of the following attributes.
Program Type
As you’re browsing through potential Texas opiate rehab programs, it is essential to think about the various types of programs that are available. No two rehab clinics or addiction recovery centers offer the exact same kind of care to clients. In some cases, clients will need access to detox programs. In other cases, clients will be ready to transition straight to rehab.
A drug addiction treatment program in Texas provides the addiction treatment and support necessary for lasting opiate addiction recovery. Many clients will do best in residential or inpatient care. However, there are also programs that allow clients to spend the evenings with family and stay in their own homes each night. Depending on your health, your needs, and your addiction, you’ll need to decide which of these options is best for you or your loved one.
Dual Diagnosis Opiate Addiction Treatment
An inpatient drug rehab center in Texas provides comprehensive dual diagnosis opiate addiction treatment for the physical symptoms of opiate addiction, and underlying co-occurring mental health disorders contributing to your addiction to opiates.
Upon your admission into a dual diagnosis treatment program, the addiction treatment staff will conduct a mental health assessment to compile a personalized drug addiction treatment plan based on the unique co-occurring mental health disorders contributing to your drug addiction.
Individualized Recovery
Another concern when choosing between opiate addiction treatment centers is whether there is a focus on individualized recovery. While two clients might both struggle with opiate addiction, they could vary in very significant ways. Ideally, any recovery program will allow flexibility to meet the individual needs of every unique client.
Sometimes, clients are addicted to heroin and have serious mental health concerns that need to be resolved. For someone else, an opiate addiction could stem from chronic pain that hasn’t been adequately addressed. In both cases, getting to the underlying issue is a priority. Through customized care, clients can get the targeted support and help they need most.
Long-term Approach to Sobriety at Opiate Addiction Treatment Centers
At a Texas opiate addiction rehab center, it is critical that recovery isn’t focused on short-term sobriety. It is relatively easy to achieve sobriety while in a supportive, residential environment. The real test comes when clients transition back to the real world in the weeks and months that follow.
An excellent addiction recovery program will ensure that clients have a support system when they leave rehab. A relapse prevention plan for continued sobriety should be in place as well. This could include a written schedule, local support groups or just coping mechanisms for when times get tough. Relapse prevention should always be a component of an opiate addiction treatment program.
Comprehensive and Holistic Treatment Options
In both drug and alcohol residential treatment, clients deserve access to comprehensive care. That means going beyond the physical symptoms of addiction and finding true fulfillment and meaning in life. To address the entire person, and not just the addiction, the following therapies, and treatment methods can be valuable:
- Yoga and meditation therapy
- Behavioral therapy
- Family therapy
- Group therapy
- Relapse prevention therapy
Finding the best opiate addiction treatment centers in Texas doesn’t have to be hard. By taking each of these suggestions into account, you can focus in on the programs that will best aid your recovery. With the right help, you can break free from opiate addiction once and for all.